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Desert Breeze Lodge
In it’s prime position above the ephemeral Swakop River overlooking a vast and sensuous apricot dune sea, Desert Breeze offers the ultimate desert experience. A short drive from central Swakopmund, its spectacular location provides peace and tranquillity away from the bustling town, and the privilege of savouring the ancient Namib Desert
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Auas Safari Lodge
Auas Safari Lodge is nestled in an expanse of African savannah in the shadow of the Auas mountains. Less than an hour away from the Windhoek international airport Auas Safari lodge lies in an unspoiled wilderness far removed from the trappings of city life.
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Grootberg Lodge
Perched on the rim of the Etendeka Plateau, the Grootberg Lodge stands sentinel over the Klip River Valley.
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Hoada Campsite
Hoada Campsite amidst granite boulders and Mopani shrub will bring you the pleasures of luxury camping, giving you the freedom to roam and break the pattern of everyday living and its demands.
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Hobatere Lodge
Hobatere Lodge is strategically located 65 km north of Kamanjab on the western border of Etosha National Park. The lodge has an airstrip and is situated in a concession area of 8,808 ha which is home to a wide selection of game, including elephant, lion.
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Fish River Lodge
The Fish River Lodge is the only lodge situated directly on the edge of Namibia’s Fish River Canyon, with breath taking views over the canyon from sunrise to sunset.
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